
  1. A movement or development toward a destination or a more advanced state, esp. gradually or in stages.
  2. A succession; a series.

This blog, my nattygeeks is in itself a progression. This thing has been growing on the inside of me for years. Ever since I found out what a blog was, I wanted to create one. I wanted to share myself, my views, my testimony. I wanted an outlet. Heck, I needed an outlet for my many and varied thoughts and emotions. Then, something happened. Fear stepped in and doubt took over. “Nobody cares about what I have to say.”, I thought. “You aren’t creative enough. You aren’t smart enough. You aren’t interesting. Nobody will read this.” <— Ouch! My own thoughts were my enemy for years…and I mean YEARS! So what did I do? I pushed this thought, idea, dream…back into the recesses of my mind. I followed blog after blog after blog over the years. I lived vicariously through them, yet… *sigh* I still had my own dream. Have you ever done this to yourself? Can anyone relate? Have an idea and let your own defeatist thinking rip it apart? Continue reading